The Milwaukee Riots

Aug. 21, 2016 by

This is nauseating. The riots in Milwaukee started on August 13th when 23-year-old African-American man (Slyville Smith) with a lengthy police record was shot and killed by an African-American police

And Then…Depression Set In

Aug. 14, 2016 by

This title, a quote from the Bill Murray character in Stripes after a particularly rough day, continues the upbeat tone of my last blog.  If you read the news, then

Obscure Public Enemies

Jul. 3, 2016 by

I would like to introduce a new periodic feature of this blog, the OPE (Obscure Public Enemy) [1].  This will highlight a little known person whose quiet influence is matched

Manufacturing Jobs

Jun. 20, 2016 by

BloombergView has recently run an article that touches upon something that has been puzzling me for a while.  The article is entitled “Who Needs Factories Anyway?” and it claims that

Legacy Building

Jun. 6, 2016 by

President Obama has been in full-bore legacy mode lately. He took a trip to Hiroshima, adding to his list of presidential firsts.  After much speculation, he decided to skip being

Clinton v. Trump

May. 16, 2016 by

These days, I seem to talk about little else.  The Republican Party is locked in the same conversation. Most of my friends fall into the same camp as the former

China Innovates: A New Way to Lie with Numbers

Mar. 26, 2016 by

The Wall Street Journal has just run an article about the latest data manipulation coming out of China. China is experiencing strong currency outflows.   This is a combination of “hot

Turn Away Now [1]

Mar. 5, 2016 by

I just watched the most recent Republican debate and, contrary to the fairly neutral coverage that it has received, I think that Trump got mauled.  It is a preview of

Millennial Turkeys Do Vote for Thanksgiving

Feb. 17, 2016 by

The Economist has recently run a special report on the young, concluding that the roughly 1.8 billion people in the world between the ages of 15 to 30 are an

Greetings From The Road

Jan. 31, 2016 by

I am currently on vacation, so this will be a brief post, mostly with some recommended reading/listening. Milo Yiannopoulos I first encountered this guy when I read “Sexbots: Why Women